
Director: Wai Man Yip

Date of release: 2003

Genre: Comedy/Romance

Ekin Cheng stars as Joe Lam, a Hong Kong lady-killer who prides himself on his amoral swindling and generally annoying ways. Unemployed for nine months, he's lived off his girlfriend (Bernice Liu), who in fact is seeing some guy named Tim (Mark Lui) on the side. Still, despite the fact that he's an overconfident, irresponsible lout, she can't break his heart, and refuses to break up with him—for now. Luckily, Joe finds a job that requires him to split town for a good three months, meaning she and Tim can play around as much as they like. Joe's headed to Shanghai to work for Mr. Cheung (Richard Ng) as an image consultant. Never mind that Joe has zero experience; he's obviously much more capable than the other choice, a chef played by Cheung Tat-Ming. Thanks to his stylish head of hair and generally decent way with fashion, Joe has his meal ticket.
However, Joe's main assignment is a bit more difficult than just color-coordination. He's assigned to make Cheung's long-lost daughter Ning (Vicki Zhao) into a presentable family member for Cheung's upper-class society functions. But Joe puts on a power play, and states that Ning is beyond help, because she has no manners, unkempt hair and apparently no bathing habits. The goal of such an act: a tripling of his salary. You'd think that a guy with no actual credentials and zero experience wouldn't be able to get his way, but Joe gets the increased salary, as well as cart blanche with a credit card. It helps that Joe runs into Ning before his interview, and she's immediately smitten by him, thereby putting her in his corner for continued employment. It also helps that Cheung's number two is a Hong Kong expatriate (Vincent Kok) who desires to make Hong Kong people look good—even when they're into vile chicanery like Joe. And, it helps that Joe is played by Ekin Cheng. With his dashing good looks and boyishly suave charm, wouldn't anyone—man or woman—fall for his wacky schemes?

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